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Two things that have annoyed me today..........................................

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DaLegend | 14:47 Sun 09th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Number one is that the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Junior is on AGAIN??????? Thats the 49th fcking time this week! WTF?

Number Two is That Bigmouthed emo Pr!ck on the t-mobile advert,the one where they're in trafalgar square and everyones singing and this loudmouth is singing into his mobile phone,if anyone sees this guy in real life feel free to attack at will.

Apart from me and bellend whats annoyed you today ?


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the advert for when the **** says tadaah
and my hair is crap
and leggy as always just cos he is still breathing
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yeah zzxxee,they say that the hole in the ozone layer was caused by legends dragon breath.
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səɥɔʇıq oɐɯl əɯ ɹoɟ ʎʌɐɹƃ lllɐ sʇı˙ ɥɥɥɥɥɥɐııı sssssəəəəəəəɯ əɥʇ ɯɯɯɐ ı

Its all gravy? I just hate when i see fat old untrendy c*nts trying to use our street lingo! Gravy,maybe if you had less gravy you'd be a little trimmer lardboy!
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our a very unpleasant creature leggy
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LOL@ my gravy joke? Damn your a bit simple aint you,its no wonder why your always single and on here trying to chat up grannys,and still YOU FAIL!

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I can handle fatboy !
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reported done
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im the messsiah whoare you?


The only message you bring,is Why its not good to eat pies! Eh doughboy?

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This threads actually about things that annoyed me today,please try and keep up!
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Helen legend's is a spiteful vindictive calculating b1tch coward that has no one to blame but himeself for being single,lucky you women have a 6th sense and keep away from slimey creeps like him!

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Two things that have annoyed me today..........................................

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