have searched but couldnt find any other so apologies if this is repeated but any views on how Derren Brown tricked us all last night? Obviously there is no way he could actually predict but how was it done?
predicting the lottery numbers ''Good Innit'' one poster in chatter bank reckons he had LCDs in the ping pong balls
and someone else just put in the numbers as they were drawn, but never mind he is going to reveal all on Friday so we can all become lottery millionaires. I cant wait !!!
No one will become lotto millionaires as he never 'predicted' it was all trickery he will just show how he tricked everyone. I'm tempted with the LCDs in the ping pong balls or a projection on them
And yes I do know that it was an illusion or trick or whatever I do not seriously think that we are all going to
be predicting the results after he reveals all on friday, -------- but then again!!
yes alliegid I want to know what he spent a year doing. He couldnt spend a year filming himself as it had tv screen next to him playing the live lotto.
Didn't he do a similar thing about shaking a dice, or tossing a coin and got 7 heads in a row or 7 6s. Then it was explained with many hours of tossing a coin/dice to get the required outcome. I've actually seen him on stage and he is VERY good, even if you know it is smoke and mirrors it is still pretty impressive!
He said that following a meeting wi Camelot, he could not show the numbers prior to the Draw as the BBC had the legal right to announce them first. Why could he not just have picked those numbers and bought a ticket? He would then have been in the same position as any other person buying a ticket since they too would have believed they had predicted the correct numbers and he could have shown that ticket..