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Bobbisox | 20:32 Thu 24th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Im-jason reckons you and me are the Cannon and Ball of AB,,,Rock on
a pair of dullards (new word on
and we should be in bed with a cup of cocoa, thats what I'm doing wrong, it's the bloody Vodka and Coke that makes me this way...pmsl
Blackpool here we come!!!


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Are you the type who everyone goes out of their way to avoid in a pub im-jason
I know that type, I think we all
Did our Jason get himself banned?
I was on facebook so nowt to do with me if he did!!!! And there's nowt wrong with Cannon & Ball either!!!! But why Joy and I should be singled out by someone I don't know is the odd bit!!! If we still had greenies i guess it would be clearer!
checked my profile and i posted a couple of times over an hour ago on John 1066 thread but not been on here since, so whoever jason is and whatever he thinks happened I was not involved!!!!
I haven't read anything Dot...but Jason is a wind up.
I've just read his bitchy little pathetic comments on bobbi's joke thread, what a spiteful small minded nobody lol They are more than a wind up ummmm, they are what spoils AB
He should be ignored dot. He is so obviously trying to annoy people he's not even a bit clever about it. Don't let him get to you - not worth it. Did you decide on the job?
I've just read his post on your thread. Uncalled for.
Just read that now. I wonder who his alter ego is - he's a pathetic little man with some sort of ax to grind. He's really not worth your time - god only knows why he bothers to come on here
Just read the ones on Bobbis as well.....bloody hell.
He's got a real chip on his shoulder about something, feel sorry for someone who is so feeble minded
It's armydude I think. I doesn't know where the space bar is.
well he's just pissed off 'cos he got banned as jason bourne isn't he......
that wasn't me either!!!! I've just put a home colour kit on my hair for the first time in 30 years!!!! I have decided to save the salon fee!!! the dole wouldn't pay it, i told them they should pay to help me keep my standards but they didn't agree!!!! lol I'm going to ask them about the nail bar next week, tut, they must want me to go to work like a scarecrow!!!
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lol yeah, and if the dole office don;t pay for my acrylic nails next tuesday i will really really be annoyed! They've already refused to pay for my hair appointment!!! How do they expect people to get a job loking like they haven;t seen a hairdresser in 8 weeks!!! tut
hello chucked out has it?
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