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I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

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mrs.chappie | 20:43 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
Does anyone know who is going in this year please?


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i read something about Aggie (the clean house person) and chris eubank
Question Author
Thanks peri.
and Brian Blessed, a couple of glamour model and a politicians disgraced son - dont know the names - sleep well mrs c
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You too doll.
are you jet lagged?
-- answer removed --
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Who, me?
sorry mrs c - the heads all over the place - i was mixing you up with mrs overall just back from the seychelles
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Hey, lucky old Mrs.O! (I'm just back from Skegness - doesn't quite have the same ring to it, eh?) [:o)
both begin S and are overseas from me - so to me skegness could be quite exotic yes
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Where are you, peri? Mrs C...
equally exotic mrs c - in dublin
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Hey peri, I lurrrve the oirish accent.
well we're full of it over here mrs c lol
hi mrs c - the IACGMOOH line up has been announced - jimmy white, amy winehouses dad (lol), lisa reilly, brian blessed, are a few i remember

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