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Why are all the Gay blokes so fanciable?

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Bobbisox | 12:48 Fri 13th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
I have just saw a clip of John Barrowman, he's drop dead gorgeous
Christian in EE, the same
even iffeminite Sean in Corrie!

These guys know how to behave , look good and treat folk well

Bobbi x


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Ooh yeah Christian!! Lovely!
nothing wrong with it, except to you
It's a Fancy many Women have Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North......the thought of being able to seduce a Gay Man.
Sally Jesse Raphael the American Talk Show host dealt with this on one of her programmes a few weeks ago.
Maybe Men feel the same way about seducing a Lesbian !
We'll have to ask Squad the Sex Therapist !! lol
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now theres a thought red, why not?
Oh yes, I have always fancied Alan Carr!!
I couldn't fancy any of fact I find Christian in EE quite repulsive.....maybe it's his vest...
Actually though he would make a great best friend. Gay men make wonderful, wonderful friends.
Alan Carr Lottie? And you call me mad...
He's lovely & funny & adorable, but fancy him?!
When;s your next optician appointment?
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Alan Carr ffs...pmsl
ooh craft Christian is all muscles in that vest
And generally they have better dress sense.
I remember seeing John Barrowman in the West End show Sunset Boulevard - I thought he was gorgeous then, long before he came on the telly.
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before he came...out,,,DEN?
I would love to go to dinner with him I think he would be a perfect gentleman and so would Christian with his chisled looks
John Barrowman is gorgeous and so is Rupert Everett...... they could leave their shoes under my bed anytime
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unfortunatley thats all they will do to your bed maizie
mores the pity
what a waste? for us gals anyway
you fellas are lucky to have people like them
My mum used to swoon over Rock Hudson.....silly moo...
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oh, yes craft theres another hunk of a man
Freddie Mecury had a fab body too, loved Queen but I didn't like the stories about Freddie renting young boys in Germany
No Soreeee
if their effeminacy attracts you, then maybe you have lesbian hankerings ?
Completely different Ankou. Fancying gay blokes does not mean we fancy females at all. However, it is usually their gentleness understanding and manner which we fancy, and they do generally take better care of themselves and their appearance. We relate to them better than we can relate to macho type men who don't understand us and they can bring out the mothering side of us which can make them attractive. Very difficult to expxlain - We are funny things us women!!

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