Missed the last episode and cannot download it in Ireland from the site. What was in the files that were copied? what happened to the two brothers with the white van? What was the story with the son in law . Thanks
The husband banged his ma in law head on the dashboard making have more injuries than necessary.
The 2 brothers, the wife of one of the brothers arranged for him to be done in and he was crushed in the garaged where the illegal immigrants were arriving.
The piano teacher cause the crash by swiping at a wasp!!! and he was a trekkie hence the big computer secret.
The son-in-law actually killed the old lady. He lost his temper with her (not surprising) and undid her seatbelt then smashed her face into the windscreen. He admitted to his wife what he had done.
The actual accident was caused by a wasp flying around the piano teacher's car which he tried to swat. He was not a paedophile at all, just a Star Wars fanatic who was downloading footage to another like minded man.