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sell by dates

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caslass | 20:20 Tue 22nd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I have a bee in my bonnet about sell by dates. On canned products there never use to be a sell by date. My dad ( who died 20 years ago) said canned products last about 25 years. If this is true, why is a sell by date put on in the first place. Do you stick to them? I think older people will remember when dates on cans didn't exist. I would be interested in your views.


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Don't most cans have a "best before" date, not a "sell by" ?
Use by dates means just that.
Best before means they are still eatable after the date.
"if this is true"

or it may be an old dad's tale.
I stick to them.

I have a bit of a thing about dates on food. I don't hold with the "oh, it will be okay" school of thought.

Why would anyone consume an out-of-date dairy product, for instance !
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Some have best before but most just have a date. So is it still safe to eat if the date has expired, and if so how long after this date.
I don't take much notice of dates. If it smells ok and tastes ok I'll eat it.
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JJ I wasn't talking about dairy produce I was talking of canned food. I wouldn't eat out of date dairy produce.
And the manager of the local Lidls reckons that some food items they sell - made in EU - have the manufactured date on them not the best before/useby date.

CA anyone confirm or deny this please
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When the date on the can is in 6-12 months time it cannot be the date of canning. I have never shopped in lidl so I don't know how they date there cans.
Oh, right.

Well, the date on cans is usually years and years ahead.

So, if it's out of date ... it's really old !!

I still wouldn't eat it.
-- answer removed --
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JJ It isn't years away, get a can from you cupboard and have a look.
Well, all my soups and beans are various dates in 2011.

Okay, only a year and a half.

I can't remember the question now.
My parents kindly offered me some cans of food a couple of years ago, because they would never eat them and it was all stuff they had left at the back off the cupboard from when I was a kid

I politely told them that may tastes have changed since I was 7 they were years past the best before date, so it may be best just to throw them in the bbin!
many cans have the production date stamp on them not the sell by date.
My 'war cabinet' is full of tinned food.....The war will decide whether am poisoned.
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I'm off to watch Paradox. See you later
I ignore all dates. I work on the basis that if it smells OK or tastes OK it isOk

Bugger me, you have no idea how hlong it tooke meto type that. I am going Christmasshopping at midnight. (Managed to find a friend who was shopping who will take mewiht herand I am sam sheeded).
Barmaid.........go to bed, you need to sleep it off

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