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pericat | 13:25 Sun 07th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
In eastenders Syed is gay but has just married Amira. Now they obviously didnt consummate on the honeymoon but did the other night - how easy would it be for a gay man to have sex with a woman - or am i being naive ?


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go on - tell - you're among friends
Gay Men have married and have had children with their partner but the whole marriage is a sham especially if the Woman was naive enough to think her husband was straight. It's the same for Butch Lesbians finding it difficult or impossible to contemplate sex with a man.
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Im referring to the 'mechanics 'though red ?
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If it 'stands up' then they can have sex but he probably does not want to ! lol
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Oh god Im too tired - yep NoK - butch lesbian mechanics
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I know that red - I probably just referring to the ridiculous storyline
It can only happen in the 'Soaps' peri and on Sally Jesse Raphael or Jeremy Kyle :-)))
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Hi peri,
as hard as it would for any straight female to sleep with another female I would imagine? I'm loving this storyline & I'm thinking/ hoping enevitably Syed & Christian will get together ! Got to be haven't they? x
How about asking a gay man ?
Well as a straight woman I couldn't / wouldn't even contemplate it?
Syed did say later to his ex Christian ''and I never thought of you once''
Is that rearly how he managed it?
Honestly its the only soap I watch!
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but someone had to say it didnt they?
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My brother-in-law married in 1979, they had a daughter in 1980, in 1983 he left his wife and child and moved to London and noone knew what was up . In 1986 he turned back up in lancashire at his mothers death bed with his partner gary . They stayed together as a couple until my brother-in-law died in 2003. Gary is still considered very much part of our family.
gay guys are not fussed whether it be another man woman or even a keyhole if the urge is there they will take it.

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