Which film is most romantic for valentines day??
Ghost or The Notebook??
I haven't seen either film but i wondered which on is recommended to watch with my gf on valentines day???
Thanks for any help :)
Does it have to be a love film? I'm going to take my boyfriend to see Wolfman as he really likes wearwolves so I know it'll make him happy (which is sort of romantic right?!). I don't like soppy films myself so the idea of sitting down to one on valentines day is a fairly nasty threat... Later, we're probably going to get snuggly to a cartoon of Dantes Inferno (I like cartoons) and something called Mirror-something-or-other which supposedly has good graphics so he'll like it, (he's 'arty'), I think that's as romantic as a love film. Hope that made some sort of sense! :c)
Hi penlid, Ghost gives me the heebeejeebies and not in a good way, I think its kinda corny - BUT I do love Patrick Swayze in it. The Notebook is a fantastic film, very moving and very very (3 hankies for tears) sad but worht the watching. I'd recommend the Notebook. OR if you fancy a wee romcom, The proposal with Sandra Bullock is dead funny, highly recommend that one but your other half may get the wrong, or right idea from the title lol
I bought notebook absolutely ages ago, it's still in it's cellophane & you've just reminded me of it! Why haven't I watched it? Don't know really, I'm sure I'll like it too!
Ghost is cheesy pap with that hideous song on the soundtrack, plus you have to suffer Whoopi Goldberg. The Notebook is genuinely moving and had Mme LeMarchand and both her girls in tears, whereas Ghost is more likely to have them needing the sick bucket.