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silent films are you a fan???

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zzxxee | 17:55 Thu 18th Feb 2010 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers
i am


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yogi sort my brain out mate !!!! what the fluff are you on about???
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now i get you doh !!!!!!! lol
I really like silent films and have almost 300 (shorts and full-length) on DVD - but that number does include about 100 Laurel & Hardy and a few dozen Keaton and Chaplin films.

A very interesting collection of about 60 shorts dating from 1895 to 1911 is Early Cinema: Primitives And Pioneers but that might not have the same appeal as a feature film.

2 top directors' works that are commonly available are F. W. Murnau and Fritz Lang.
Metropolis is still a stunning film.................and certainly needed neither the colourisation nor the Queen soundtrack............
Nosferatu stands out a mile as one of the scariest films ever.............

I love silent comedy 'shorts' and would love to be able to increase my collection of longs and shorts, but Mrs JtH has a habit of sucking in her cheeks and casting her eyes to the ceiling when I suggest watching any of them.............:o(

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