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spitza | 17:33 Tue 30th Mar 2010 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
If Eggheads are the best brains in the country why do they have a choice of answers? Surely they should have no choices


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I like it (I enjoy most quiz shows which are a bit challenging) for the other team's efforts, but NOT for the arrogant eggheads.

I also like Pointless. it has an intriguing aspect to it with the tension between getting a right answer but one which few other people would get.
I think Alexander & Richard come up with some quite good comments too Canary
If you look at the end credits the ones we're being shown now are repeats from 2007, that's why there's no Barry or Pat (is that his name, the new one?)
i think peoploe watch eggheads for the same reason that peope watch jeremy kyle - for the purpose of being outraged and disgusted !

if they didn't have the options, then they wouldn't be able to waffle on about irrelevant crap frelating to the other options (wrong answers) before finally revealing they knew the answer all along and soak up the admiration and awe of the plebs, fom their ivory tower.

programme is crap. why they are repeating 3 year old programmes perhaps is a sign of its popularity? or its cheap? or there is faff all else on at that time.
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Can't stand the grinning Daphne, and that fat one needs a complete makeover. What a load of uglies.
Lol smurf dont hold back!!
smurf - I eggree. Please see one of my earlier posts stating how I'd make them over!
I must fight back in praise of Eggheads which I love and don't like to miss. Interestingly though when I first watched it I disliked all of them except Daphne but now that I have got to know them all much better I find that Daphne is the only one I am not keen on. I like Kevin because he is so clever and I find him quite unassuming. CJ's behaviour is a bit weird but still entertaining and I think the banter between Dermot and Judith is very amusing and I don't think she minds at all. So there :)
Felly love the unassuming daphne not lol,kevin ok,fatboy needs a makeover,judith looks like she is sucking on soor plums,and cj what can one say!!
Yes I think Chris (fatboy to you) could do with a personal shopper and obviously Judith has had a privileged life and it's a bit annoying that she should then win a million. Daphne I do find irritating as she is always anxious to let everybody watching think that she knows all the answers and it's very satisfying when it turns out she's wrong as she acts as if she doesn't believe it could happen. As for the two new boys, Barry is very smiley and seems OK but I'm reserving judgement about Pat.

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