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Come Dine With Me Looks ...

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poodicat | 20:03 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | Film, Media & TV
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i can't wait until i'm old enough and in the right area to apply.
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Can understand the age but why the area?
I don't thinkI could cook with cameras watching me in the kitchen all the time. And I might get awful guests. And i don't want them nosing around my bedroom either. This new one looks good though.
i live out in the sticks and they only go to large towns and cities.
the nearest town is about 3 miles away and that isn't even that big, its got a church, a few shops, a couple of which are chains, and a couple of pubs and restaurants aswell as a couple of touristy places by the river.
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No they dont they will get you together with others
I wouldn't mind the cooking bit but I would prefer to do it once a week rather than every night for four or five days - and I can't bear the thought of people foraging about in my drawers, gerrout, what;s mine is mine!
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That ugly girl with the dark scraggy hair is such a b***h
no helen, unlike probably everyone else on ab, i know where i live, and i know that it is miles away from anywhere. The nearest city is an hours drive, on a clear road, and that city isn't even that big, its never had a week of c.d.w.m. there.
i haven't even got dark scraggy hair, you've never even seen me, i'm nearly blonde.
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Yep reminds me of someone on here lol
whose that to and about poodi?
Not you molly dearest ... I mean that awful 'stay at home mum' .. missed her name. Hope she comes last.
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It doesn't matter where you are (and we know you live in a small place, you keep telling us so), they will come to you if you live in a rural place - and scruff's looking at the TV not looking at you.
^ sorry smurf not scruff, it's me that's the scruff at the moment, didn't get dressed up to come to this party!
scruff? Smurf !
really, i've only seen them in large towns and cities.
Don't spill the beans (as t'were). I'm sky+ing it for later.. currently watching Masterchef Aussie style. Molly - you're a bit defensive tonight.. I'm sure they were talking about the Come Dine people, not you!

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