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Calling all smokers, ex-smokers & non-smokers...pretty mush covers everyone lol

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Slooow_Jo | 22:01 Fri 30th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I'm quitting smoking tomorrow!!!!
I'm in a total panic already but am very determined.

So I want to hear any stories about quitting, or reasons why you wont quit etc


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Mush??? lol kinda sums up how I feel ;)
hello Jo, haven't seen you for a while, but good luck with this.
If you smoked 20 a day that was costing you about £2000 a year. Money isn't everything. Stopping will add years to your life and you'll feel better, healthier, with less risk of heart disease and other serious illnesses.
If I could do it after smoking for years, anybody can.
Good Luck!
I quit smoking in Oct 98. I really suffered and so did my family. Spoke to doctor and all the help lines,to no avail. I started again knowing what I was doing. I don't smoke much 4 or 5 a day. sometimes only a fag will do
Well its nearly 6 yrs since i quit Slooow, but it wasnt that easy lol this was the 9th time *blush* first was Lazer which was great but i thot i was smart and could have the odd one without it bothering me then i was back on it then i had zyban, useless, then the rest was the patches, and finally it happened, i quit but needed that bit of self control also, it was a hard struggle but it was worth it ............well it will be when i stop all my chest infections and stuff while getting rid of all the sh!t in my system, but you stick with it hun rootin for ya *hugs*
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Well hello jno good to see your still walking the halls, thanks for the good luck wishes, me thinks they will be needed!
Sloooow....I have made one attempt to give up smoking in my life. It was the wrong time for me due to personal things. I would recommend getting the book 'how to give up smoking the easy way' by Alan Carr.

It helps to change your mind set...£5.99....worth a go.
So you have given up ummm.
-- answer removed -- I read the book and gave up but then my Dad died.
I smoked, then gave up for 6 years (will power) then started again, due to stress! I now smoke roll ups, as I smoke less. good luck :-)
Ummm. Such is life. Every time we think we are doing okay, someone throws the sh1t at the fan. I am sorry about your dad. Cas
I gave up in 1984 - now I can't stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Go for it, and good luck.
P.S. I gave up a number of times before 1984, but that time it finally lasted (at first mainly due to my partner who threatened to dump me if I didn't give up. But then when she dumped me anyway after 18 months I managed to maintain the abstention)
I gave up for 11 years, then had a stressful situation, met a friend with a packet of fags, took one, then got hooked again. I don't think the craving for cigs ever leaves you but good luck on kicking the habit,
Hi Slooow Jo I gave up smoking 8 months ago. At the time I went into hospital for a hip replacement so I knew I wouldn't be able to smoke, or walk outside to have one for that matter, so a couple of weeks before I tried to cut out one cigarette or half smoking one.(I didn't smoke in the house, just in the doorway when it was bad weather). I was petrified of having the operation, and then two days before I went in for the operation my mother died. After the operation I didn't think about smoking I promised myself that would be the first thing I'd do when I got home. But I didn't. I thought to myself I've gone through all this so far without a cig so I can do without.The funeral was 2 days after I came home and I haven't had one cigarette no patches or anything. I never thought I would do it. But this was my personal battle. If you can find anything in there that will give you the motivation to stop I'll be pleased for you. Don't get me wrong I loved my cigarettes and I still like the smell of them and I wouldn't tell anyone not to smoke near me. I just don't think about having one now. Mind you my bum is getting bigger, and I can't shift the weight at the moment.
I quit because my best friends didn`t want me to die earlier than I should, and I knew I must for my wife and grandchildren's sake, six years ago. I want to see them grow up, but alas that is not to be due to other illness's that are on going.
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This isn't my first time quitting but its my most determined!

sandyroe I hear what your saying & I intend to have a money jar to show my savings! My mum is 70 & has smoked since maybe 12-13, she was in intensive care during the easter holidays all due to smoking, & after years of stopping & starting, she hasn't looked at a ciggy since! So I've defo got some inspiration!

Cas do you mean temper? how your family suffered? I've told my lot I was being extra nice today cause I know it'll change after tomorrow lol

Seusse I was on Zyban for 11 days & felt they were really working, but as I have a history of depression I was warned to be aware of any para moments & to stop taking them which I did!

ummmm do you know alan carr died of lung cancer? ironic isn't it!

Visi as you know I have 2 boys & they've never stopped me smoking but seeing my mum how she was a few weeks ago has been enough to tell me its time to stop being selfish!
I had hypnosis about 15 years ago. Haven't smoked a cigarette since. Best £75 I ever spent...
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thank you canary42, miss meg, askyourgran & carlton23 for your input, Isn't it interesting how everyone has a different story to tell, I find it interesting too how some folk hate the smell of tobacco after giving up but others enjoy it!

miss meg I'm interested to know how long you've been back smoking?? & could you kick yourself for starting again?
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Markrae, that's interesting! my mum was having such a hard time giving up that I'd mentioned to her to consider hypnosis, turns out all she needed was a 5 day stay in critical care :o/

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