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Guinness Records - what the funuclear?!

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Answerprancer | 05:25 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Can anyone shed some light on the fact that is doesn't seem to be a shadow of what it was?
All the standard listings seem to be all higgledy piggledy, there is no clear catagorisation, it's gone all glossy and 'tabloidy'. All the normal records you'd expect to see are being replaced with stupid ones like most amount of bogies picked from one nostril (not a real one - but you get the picture).
For example - there is no entry for "fastest road production car" (as there always was) despite it being known to be the SSC Ultimate Aero TT, but there is one for the most amount of clothes-pegs attached to one face!
What is going on?!! I miss Norris and Ross McWhirter.


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Ross was killed not long after I left school and so he's been gone a long long time now,
By the IRA if my memory serves correctly.
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Excellent - thanks Answerbank, my cup overfloweth with knowledge :-/
Did anyone see the clouds today? One of them was shaped just like a bunnywunny!

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Guinness Records - what the funuclear?!

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