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Am I the only one who likes Mary in Corrie?

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Bobbisox | 19:16 Sun 29th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I think she is hilarious and your worst nightmare all in one, everyone knows a 'Mary' I


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fleeting visit folks, quiz night so bfn x
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Coronation Street?
Coronation Street
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i think she is really funny. really dry humour! lol
I like Mary, she is a unique character.
I must say I don't know anybody like her in real life.
Apparently she is going to get quite nasty.
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whassup with ya 10ClarionSt
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I like them all....
Me too boobi....and the Queen Vic burns down this week.........
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some people seem to think watching soaps would lower their intelligence/superiority.

I watch most of them, too and look at me.. I can spel an evryfink!
Question Author
and Kat and Alfie come back soon
isn't the newcomer in Emerdale the spit of his Dad...Shane Ritchie?
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spot on sara...
but the people who say this normally know whats happening in soapland anyway
Which newcomer?
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I must have missed some......who is he?
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the Farmers daughter, the youngest one, it's her new boyfriend craft

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Am I the only one who likes Mary in Corrie?

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