I have left mine for a fortnight, with a neighbour coming in to feed (although admittedly twice a day). I wouldn't do otherwise - their home base is very important to cats. No.1Son is a nervous cat so I have never tried putting him in a cattery, he would hate it. In any case, I would rather they ranged their home territory while I'm away, than being penned up 24-7 - particularly for that length of time. Your boy will be fine. One word of advice - make sure your neighbour knows where your cat basket is, and who your vet is. Last time I went away (given that Rover is on long-term meds) I checked with my vet that if any of the boys needed treatment, they'd be happy for me to settle up when I got back - I wouldn't want my neighbour having to pay vets fees if the cats had to visit. The vet said that would be fine. Also give your vet and neighbour a mobile number so they can ring you if they are worried about anything. If your neighbour is kindly they might nip in before work as well as in the evening - I know I would!