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bibblebub | 21:42 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
Would you want to spend any time in the company of those people?


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lol, well its been as entertaining as it always is bibble, ive enjoyed it, have you?
'youre fired' .. well, that shot him up his jacksy didnt it! lol
I haven't watched it yet but I am guessing that I wouldn't want to.
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suppose so, and maybe I'm a bit jealous, wishing I had a fraction of their self-confidence
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yep Butch a right bunch of merchants
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o no, i find myself watching the follow-up programme on BBC2
Me too and so glad it's Dara thingy doing it, can't stand Adrian Chiles.
Definitely more arrogance in some of them!

I have to say, I wouldn't have fired him over the other two.

I really fancy a sausage now!
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that's the description for them - cooking sausages, fork... there's some word that connects them but I can't think what it is
Why would an Investment Banker and a Surgeon want a job worth £100000? Surely they earn more than that now.
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because they can't resist the opportunity to feature on a popular tv show?
i did watch the programme, but wont be watching it again, like so many good programmes its past its sell by date, as for the sausage sellers...............a bunch of ..........
Stuart...could have gladly seen him go in the mincer
It looks like Raleigh is going to be this series' Raef
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i'd probably agree with you sb if i knew who you're talking about (i've only watched the show a handful of times before)
Raef was the extremely posh gentleman from last time

I was hoping Stuart would go last night, as he said, "I brought my suitcase but haven't packed anything, as I know I won't get fired".
Sq B, You can tell Lord Sugar didn't like Stuart and I've got a feeling he'll pounce on him next week, Why can't he see his big-headed arrogance is doing him more harm than good? Doh!
They're all on there really because they're exhibitionists, got to be.

Great TV though Jem!
This is the only reality Tv show I can stomach.
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