have O C Smith on the tape deck, Don Williams lined up, John Denver waiting and of course, Kenny Rogers has been dusted off. The bottle of red is opened (and savoured) the phone unplugged - what'y doin better?
dotty may be available, it was her birthday the other day. i think she likes a wee tipple. and i know she will provide some good music. i dont drink alcohol but enjoy your evening
thanks anneasquith -Don (Williams) is currently Living on Tulsa Time, John Denver will shortly sing me Annie's Song followed by O.C. Smith's 'Watching Scottie Grow' - oh yes and John will come back with Sunshine on my Shoulder.
Well, I've settled down quite comfortably wih a can of cider and a plate of sarnies with Max keeping my feet warm, as well as stopping me sneaking off any where with out him. My middle sister is baby sitting her first great grand child for the first time and the boss has gone to help leaving me to watch the footie in peace.
I don't think I know any of the people you just mentioned but I will have a sip of wine in honour of you.... I think I'm gong to be watching Come Dine with Me.
just noticed that mc donalds advert where they sing "on the road again" the girl who is learning to drive crashes the gearbox, yet both her hands are on the steering wheel..
don't know Jim Croce but am going to have a google right now Dotty. My version of 'watching scotty grow' is o.c.smith - did BG do it too or have I misread your post. ? I was in Rhodesia 1970-1982 and confess to a total lack of musical knowledge then cos of sanctions- could this be why I've never heard of JC? omg I must be thick!