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Wagner not on the charity single

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emeraldblue | 21:23 Sun 21st Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Anyone know why Wagner is not on the Heroes charity single, apart from the obvious reason ....he cant sing?


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He's busy recording the Xmas #1 for when he wins.

... maybe?
did anyone notice there was a boy band missing? the first act that got voted off? well i didnt see them on the stage...did you?
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If you look on X Factor website there's a photo of "the finalists" with a wounded soldier. Lots of faces missing. Do they know something we don't?
Thanks Naz I've already added this to woodelfs list of most hated songs
Think i read or heard somwhere that any contestants voted off before Treyc will not be going on the XFactor tour, so I'm assuming it's the case with the single?

As for why Wagner isn't on it, i've no idea, im just grateful :-)

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Wagner not on the charity single

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