It was quite good but why make a programme about Nigel Slater, i've heard of him but I'm sure many people haven't, so why not someone more well known perhaps like Gordon Ramsey, Jamie Oliver or Nigela Lawson . . . .
i really enjoyed it, mind you, i'd read the book a few years ago which i also enjoyed, and find nigel slaters programmes very interesting.
why not make a programme/film about him? i'd rather watch a programme about him than blooming gordon, jamie or nigella.
Many people who enjoy cookery programmes will know of Nigel Slater and I think we already know all there is to know & more about Jamie, Nigella etc.
I watched Toast & quite enjoyed it, especially all the 60s fashion & music but I thought it seemed padded out. I hadn't read the book.
Because his book - which has already been out for several years - was called Toast, it was about food which has influenced him during his lifetime. Nigel Slater is on prime time BBC1 - and is far less in your face that the others you mention. The others are quite highly publicised enough, thank you.
I don't think it was the real Savoy Hotel in the film,they probably just used any large kitchen.
If the staff badge/logo is the one from the Savoy when Nigel joined, then it is so out of date that the present Savoy have no say in whether it was used or not