It appears to me that folk are so 'flexible' these days that tradition seems to have flown out of the window.
Throughout my childhood, certain days meant certain happenings would occur.
Friday was bath night - yes, it only happened once a week! English breakfast would happen every Sunday morning. Sundays were always special - including roast dinner and a family outing in the afternoon. The weekly shop was done on Thursdays etc.
Ahhhh, Sunday mornings mum and dad would take me to the baths (big old victorian place with changing rooms at the side of the pool) and then we'd go home and have a fry-up. Come to think of it, that might have been Saturday as I would go to Sunday school on........ Well, Ile leave you to work that one out.
I think the "pace" that people live their lives today has increased,not leaving
time for such,ttfn.
It,s a great shame.I remember Fridays always being "fish day" and Mondays,the
Sunday joint,whatever it was,turned into a nother meal.
Fluff - just for you, I have to play fair ;o)
Hi Ed. It seems to me that people will do their own things as and when they feel like it. I am not criticising anyone for it, but it does make me wonder if a more 'organised' life is a good thing. I find a more traditional way of living saves me some wasted effort - e.g. a weekly shop means I have to concentrate the mind more.
Is this about wider social conformity or personal traditions? Because quite frankly we're all unlikely to be able to truly comment on other's personal/private traditions.
Sunday was bath night, ready for school.
Monday was wash day.
Friday fish for tea, or if splashing out, the 'Chippy'
Saturday 'Big Shop' as Mum worked in the Mill and payday was Friday.
Sunday, Church, Roast Dinner and a Pud!!, Dad's dinner always congealing between 2 plates in the oven as he was always detained at the 'Legion' LOL
I think we all have organized lives, they're just different things.
For example, I always download all my podcasts on a Friday so I can go for a long run on the Saturday. Sunday Dinner will always be Sunday dinner. My family always speak to family across the waters via Skype on Sunday afternoon.
Sorry if I sounded grumpy, but I get a little tired of "oldies" telling "Yoofs" that they aren't living right.
ted rodgers? Why did that spoonerise before my very eyes as I read it?
Sunday is church
Saturday is payday
Friday is fish
Thursday is shepherd's pie
Wednesday is roaster beef
Tuesday is soup
Monday is washing day
Is everybody happy? You bet your life we are!