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In a mood

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jb190281 | 01:09 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Because apparently, other people are running around after me at the moment but having said that, it isn't too much trouble for them (!) - I'd love to meet these imaginary people

I'm walking around with grunts for conversation and the grace of a baby elephant as I walk around.

Hi by the way!


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Hello Smiler ♥
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Oh jb!..........Hi love!............
Phonetically that ^^ does not read well pinki LOL
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Good evening all, ttfn, how are you?

Pink - I wouldn't mind so much but I've not used that as an excuse at all! And to say he's running round after me, REALLY???? I'm thinking I wont put a load of washing on tmrw, nor will I make dinner, or the other stuff I'm still doing, not asked for an ounce of help.

Rant.... Breathe....
Depends how you look at it jb - I went back to work on Wednesday = just a few hours to start with - well, 2 a day actually. But that seems reasonable to me after 6+ months sick ;o)
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Phased return is a good idea ttfn, see how much you can do without pushing it too soon
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17th Feb, so I've got exactly a month!
Take a little time out for you jb, sounds as though you need it a present! what if the washing isn't done tomorrow, and dinner isn't cooked by you!.....there are takeaways!.........the washing can wait, unless he needs something quickly, and then he knows where the washer is, if not, show him!.............things will soon change for you both, and you won't be able to stick to the same routine! to get used to it now.........for both of you!........
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You look like a Russian doll. If I take the lid off, will I find another one inside?
take it easy jb, I didn't realise how close you due date is! need to relax, and not worry about mundane chores!................let them wait!.........
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I'm not even gonna go into detail about the conversation we had about the washing - let's just say if baby elephant had the strength, that washing machine would've killed someone
well jb, maybe you need to educate him!..............he needs to know how to operate the washer, and help out once in a way!.............sooner he learns it the better, when baby arrives, you won't have the time to do everything for a while!..........
Question Author a thread titled "in a mood", if you stick around long enough, you might just see the lid blow off! I love Russian dolls, I collect them

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