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mark thomas: the manifesto

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mollykins | 11:10 Wed 02nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I know it's radio 4, but my dad listens to it on the way to cadets, and it took me ages to find it on the iplayer as i weren't sure if it was radio2 or 4 or if it's on Mondays or thursdays or what time it starts.

From the five minutes or so I hear it reminds me of CB and the news section on hear, and I have now started reading AOGs posts out in this guys voice!

What do you think?


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I think you should have asked your dad what station it was, thus saving you fiddling between radio 2 and 4.
Question Author
I only just thoguht about it this morning and he's gone to work.
Its on the BBC iPlayer
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Tha's what I put a link to dave, after I found it, to say what the name of it was.
Mark Thomas is OK but I have to say that I prefer Mark Steel. His series 'The Mark Steel Lectures' contains much more interesting stuff.
why did we need to see a picture of the radio presenter/comedian? it's put me off now, he looks a right smug great bustard
oops, report me Molly , assumed the word would change to something else!

I have a feeling that the filter is not as harsh in CB as on other sections
'tis the same everywhere Scotsman.

That word is not in the swear dictionary because Q&P users need it!

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What kind of puzzle has that word as an answer?!?!?!?!
actually we need it in Genealogy too as there are such things as 'Bustardy Bonds' or filiation orders that were orders made at the parish courts to make sure errant and straying natural fathers paid up for their illegitinmate offspring that became a financial and moral burden on the Parish. ( I may write an article about Parish Relief some day)

Sorry, I misread Dotty's typing for another word.


Bustard is a type of bird
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But it spelt with a 'U' is different to with an 'A' . . . .

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mark thomas: the manifesto

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