great comment by denise on loose women, she said jason takes it all to seriously and does he really think that he would be on the judging panel of a real skating competition! also he has been saying some horrible things about her hubby, wonder what thyey were
I don't agree with what TH did gina and if it had been an ordinary member of the audience he would have been escorted out, he showed himself up a bit but Jason's comments are that of a 'bitchy person' he should stick with fashion imo
he is a fashion guru gina and yes Jack, I agree, apparently she was forever placating TH each week , saying Jason was a friend off the ice but today on Loose Women, she's having a real dig at him now she's out
good viewing though ;0)
I thought JG's background was as choreographer, not fashion. Don't forget that he's paid specifically to make the comments that he does - it livens up a dull , over-extended show.
she did say on todays show that she didnt take amuch notice of things he said and that they were very good friends off the ice but now apparently he has said some nasty things and shes not now friends with him,"but thats another story" she said