He's shaved his head and now you can see that he is actually completely bald on top. Before he shaved his head he had a full head of hair so it must have been a wig. Is that what you are saying? If so, I agree.
Apparently Dominc Brunt has suffered from alopecia for a while and made a decision to shave his hair off rather than have the random hairstyles the condition forced him to have..........
Isn't that a coincidence cos the actor whgi played Eli Dingle had the same condition. (well he did when he was last here about 2 years ago, not seen him for a while)
paddy had very thin hair on top a long while ago. it seemed he used to use a hair colour spray which blends the colour of the hair with the bald area ( Paul Daniels used to do an advert for this years ago
you said he was wearing wigs, but if he was they must have been good ones because when you looked at him you could see his bald patches, indicating that it was his own hair and not a wig so i dont think he was, hope that was clear
Not clear no lol, but what I meant was they looked like a wig to me.
I was meaning , now that he is bald you can see the darker parts were his hair was, lol