Does anyone know what has happened to the lady presenter who once broadcast on Radio Leicester from about 10pm to 1pam? I think her first name was Amanda, sand she had been ill, but when anyone asks...
How come radio stations do not broadcast commentary on Man Utd matches ? If the matches are not televised live on television it is nigh on impossible to follow the match on radio as no station covers...
Does anybody know why certain radio stations ie. Gold have stopped broadcasting on DAB ? It isn't just me as a few people have said they couldn't receive signals from some stations.
I have banged on about this dredful woman before, but now i find they are giving her additional airtime - another 30 minutes. I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal of a woman who is...
We have just bought a very nice Bush radio which we want to run mainly off batteries because the mains socket isn't near where we want to use the radio. It works fine with batteries but there doesn't...
I used to be a fan of Chris' morning show but haven't tuned in for many months, switched on on Friday and found he'd really gone off. I think I stopped listening to his show because he would not shut... This is very sad news for all lovers of good music, David's Sunday night show is the only hour...
Is anyone else find the current storyline with Matt in Russia even remotely believable ? Matt is a hard-bitten businessman and yet he gives a lot of money to a complete stranger in a foreign country ?...
I've missed 2 full weeks (prior to this week) of the Archers and am listening to the omnibus now. Can anyone just fill me in on the Matt Lillian situation? Anything else critical happened?
Well done Brenda ! At last that moaning cow Lillian has had some home truths explained, in nice simple, plain English ! I have been waiting for this for weeks.
Can someone tell me the name of the artiste and title of song that was played before :- Vicky Leandros [ Apres Toi] It was about 7.30pm. The dj joked he sung it without his teeth in, lol!