Caught the first show on Saturday morning, liked the music but have to say Anneka was just a bit boring. Admittedly Zoe Ball was manic and the Parsons woman was dire but Anneka could do with being a bit more lively. She does keep harping on about when she did Challenge Anneka on TV and tried to start an Anneka's Challenge type of thing but she didn't like any of the suggestions that people made who contacted the show - didn't understand what she wanted myself! Some bits were good on the show but not enough to entertain.
Didn't listen to the programme, had heard her being interviewed about it and even that sounded boring. My doubts were raised when I kept hearing OTT trailers with all the DJ's telling us to listen. With the exception of Ken Bruce most of radio 2 presenters are dire, they love the sound of their own voices and names.
It would be nice to see "proper" DJ's getting jobs rather than all these celebs who for the most part are rubbish! Just last week Zoe Ball was filling in for Ken and the amount of mistakes she made was incredible.