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Radio song

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wolfbaine | 19:50 Sun 06th May 2012 | Music
10 Answers
I heard a song on radio the other day was mentioned as a country hip hop crossover and it was islands in the stream . Any ideas I missed who it was but I think it's realy new


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Islands in the Stream was issued a long time ago, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
this one
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I know that version that wasn't it it was a new version had hip hop in it as well
Ah - OK
Is this it?

The chorus of the Hip-Hop song Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) is a re-working, with modified lyrics, of the chorus of "Islands in the stream". (from wikipedia)
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I want to say black eyed peas cos it was that kinda thing . I think it was someone with someone lol
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Think that's the song but maybe someone had reissued it thanks all
There's this one as well (Although I'd be inclined to go with Ghetto Superstar too) by Masters Of Ceremony. Track is called "Sexy"

Sample starts at 3:22

Great website for things like this as well, wolfbaine.

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