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Is Ruth Pregnant ?

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mikey4444 | 11:13 Sun 16th Mar 2014 | Radio
41 Answers
If she is pregnant, why has it taken so long for someone to suggest she is ?


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No. I'm shagging Jolene;-)
Hey there ain't room for two pregnancies in the story line, rusty.
I also think that Jennifer needs a good seeing-to. I think you're the man to tackle her....she needs a bit of rough:-)
LOL, that rusty's a cheeky git.
Was it Bradley Wiggins, he's on soon?
Could have been, he gets around. He's got a bike you know !.
I don't think Ruth's the village bike;-)
Thank god real life is simpler.
the off switch on R4 only gets hit twice a week in this house, both on Sunday mornings, once at eight am and again at ten am

I might make an exception for Bradley Wiggins
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Is she really that old ? She always sounds so young. Its going to b*gger up life at the Farm, although it will give a cast-iron excuse for Jill to move in permanently. The boys will be delighted....Shepherd's Pie every day ! But could it be another Downs baby ?
Can you imagine if it was twins!!!! Yikes
I reckon the father is Rob Titchener
^^^^ Tee Hee
There has already been an abortion - Elizabeth had one when it really was a bold story line.
There has already been an abortion. Elizabeth had one years ago when it was indeed a bold story line
This probably means that dreary Helen won't be preggers. As far as Ruth's concerned, how out of joint will Pip's nose be!
Does Brian have any idea of the cost of the cost of this new dual-island kitchen? Has anyone yet told him that he can set part of it against tax as she does a lot of entertaining for his businesses?
Jennifer - slap - take ticket & join queue.
Oh no......
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I could see it coming. A new baby at Brookfield would have been difficult to say the least and at Ruth's age......We already have one Downs Baby in Ambridge. But sad none the less.

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