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The Archers - Spoilers

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Ellipsis | 08:11 Mon 04th Apr 2016 | Radio
115 Answers
A separate "spoilers" thread to avoid revealing plotlines in other Archers threads.


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Another twenty years to go apparently !
Anyone see any hint of Tom and Kirsty getting back together through this?
That did cross my mind, Prudie.
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Yes, I heard that episode of BH yesterday. Interesting to hear the analogies with other tales (I think there were three of them but the article only mentions two).

> "I do believe that, in the end, Helen should triumph," he said.

Good to hear! But it may take a while (as I suggested earlier: worst case tried, convicted, freed on appeal), and the long term impact on Henry and the unborn son could indeed take more than 20 years to play out ... still, it took three years for Helen to knife Rob after first meeting him, which was a surprise to me!
Well, they were almost tender the other night !

I just hope that every other character in the Village doesn't get forgotten about for the next few months. Personally, I am waiting for Doctor Locke to get his leg over Shula again....maybe Elizabeth !

I suppose its difficult to get everything in, especially when you only have 6 x 13 mins a week.

Do you think we should start a petition for a Saturday night episode ?
Ellipsis...imagine how much trouble Helen would saved herself if she sliced his bails off when she first met him !

With time off for good behaviour, she would have been freed by now !
That ruddy Ursula is the absolute pits .......nasty old cow !
I don't understand why Rob is allowed to see Henry
WyeDyed....I hadn't thought of that !
Neither do I. If the reason he can't see Helen is because he's a 'key witness' then he shouldn't be allowed to see the victim either surely.
I'm no legal expert but there should at least be some form of official supervision surely?
Rob isn't under any suspicion at this time he is a victim. He is a key witness AGAINST Helen. Remember the court case is going to be the crown V Helen, not Rob V Helen.

It could be regarded as child cruelty if Henry was kept away from both his parents (even a step-parent) however, if Anna gets to hear about Ursula taking Henry to see Rob, I suspect she would not approve.

The bit about 20 years stated in BH was to do with Henry's life being planned out. The TA production team have plans that far ahead for all characters, but of course they can be changed as things progress.
"There's been a change on plan"

Nasty scheming cow !
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Hmm, poor Henry ...
I have been predicting something of the sort, but I thought it might end up in a court case. Instead poor Henwee has been kidnapped !
Helen gets extradited to the States and is zapped there, Oklahoma volunteering a spare chair.......
Listening to this is seriously not good for my health.
Henry hasn't been kidnapped at all. He is living in the home he's had for 2 years, with his step-father who has a parental responsibility order.
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I don't think the phrase "kidnapped" is meant to be taken seriously ... yet.

But whose care is Henry in?

Rob is not capable of looking after him - he was in the ICU earlier this week! Henry, along with Rob, is therefore in the care of Ursula and Bruce. It's questionable whether this is the best place for him ...
Well we know that, Ellipsis, but .....

By the way, I heard the other day that the actress who plays Helen has never met the actor who plays Henry.

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