Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Reality TV
How terribly disspointing?! I hate it when Davina doesn't give these people a hard time! Davina BARELY touched on the ridiculous painting incident and i think generally gave jen a really easy ride...
Anyone watching the BB lot fighting their way out of paper bags ?
O my, we thought the present house guest were irritating. I think this one will knock spots off the rest. Already I can't bare this woman and she's only said one word (500 times)
Just been watching a bit of big brother live and Luke has met his match for conversation with Belinda.
I think that she looks more like mila kunis than angelina jolie. Anyone else agree?
Just had to share this with you, one of my friends made this observation and its been tickling me ever since. When L & M are having one of their little chats, close your eyes and think of creature...
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/b ig_brother/article1379292.ece I kind of wish Jen was staying for another week now just to see her get jealous, but then she's got to go just to make Bex...
Who do you want to go?
Do you think BB are going to want to stir things up or keep the peace?
Where abouts in Co. Durham does Jennifer come from? Has Darnell had some kind of Simon Weston accident?
just reading star mag and there is an interview with jens husband david is this common knowledge? I started watching bb late so Ive no idea what she has said to the housemates about her personal life...
She would appear to have too much to say and little or no respect for anyone. Not a good representative for the Midlands I hasten to add, spoilt, and loud mouthed. And whilst I am annoyed why oh why...
Alan Sugar has stepped down as boss of Amstrad! Does this mean the end of The Apprentice?! By the way, Lee "Yeah man f****** wicked" McQueen, called in sick on his FIRST DAY!
What do you reckon? I am a size 12 but I don't think I'm as big as her.
Well Mo has just found his birthday belt all cut up in the bedroom, and Bex has admitted she did it because she thinks he's vile. Well I hope they have a go at her as much as they did Jens painting. I...
I've tried to watch BB before but never lasted more than 10 mins because the people were like.. not people I could identify with.. Too loud, too showy, to superficial, no real character, etc. and I'm...
Hope this doesant spoil it for anyone,But im just sooooooooo happy jens up for nominations,My house is a HAPPY HAPPY house now.
Will they ever give up their seats for the young?
I know that I'm going to get a boot up the backside - but that woman does my head in!! Whenever she's on I have to mute the telly - her voice!! And this 'Happy House' song!! OMG! Throwing things at...
Does anyone know when the current (BB9) final is?