Quizzes & Puzzles13 mins ago
Reality TV
Theres talk that channel 4 are thinking of axing BB, Do you think they should? Or should they give sterner warnings to the one,s causing trouble ie horrible horrible jen(the main s**t stirrer) dale...
I think BB should now introduce a super sexy single female to the ouse, thus blowing Jen's ego into space. What thoughts?
Try as i might, I still cannot find it within me to remotely like this presenter whatsoever. She still reminds me of a pantomime dame or a little gnome in drag!
Did anyone else notice that it was Jen who shouted at Mo first and when Mo retaliated Dale accused him of starting it! OMG get Jen and Dale out. They are pathetic.
Is it just me or anyone else think Jen is over reacting?
You'd think Dennis had died the way those two are acting! eyeroll
on what day was it broadcast?
Good, Couldn't stand the bloke!!!
He had big argument with Mo last night and spat at him
I hate mario,jen and slimy two faced luke,WHO ARE THEY?WHO ARE THEY?ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.(feel so much better now for that.).....
Luke sound like Ashley from Coronation Street and looks like Pob! And Mikey - that voice is enough to chuck yourself off a very tall building!!
no one seems to be true, i feel like im watching a bunch of actors - i hate to say it (being a true bb fan) i think im over the whole thing - i dont like any of them and none of them really annoy me,...
Why hasnt she told any of the housemates she is married??
OK, so last night I was in bed when BB was on, I was just on the cusp of sleep - y'know, still hearing the TV but not really taking it in - when one of the girls were giving their nominations..........
is it just me or are these 2 starting to grate on you too? Darnell with his New York gansgta chat and Mikey who shouts everything
Oh my god did you see him? How embarrassing was that
These two are up for eviction this week. So who goes....
so who did take the custard creams ?
Don't you think he look's like.... Kenny Everett!!
Last week i really hated mario,I mean i wanted that guy out,Then last nite something changed sylvia was being such a bitch and got all the others creeping round her it was uncomfortable veiwing then...