son took phone call and he asked for her name, she said 'Strawberry' he tried not to laugh but asked her to repeat it,do you think its fair giving kids weird names????
My name is fairly normal I suppose, it is Jennifer (but I go by Jenny). My eldest daughter has an unusual name (Alyssa) but not anywhere near as bad as Strawberry. lol
Don't get me started on why anyone's parents would give their daughter a perfectly good name, and then spell it weirdly, so you spend your whole life having to spell it out for people.
i went to my grandsons 6th b/day party where his class were all invited, as they came in they were given a sticker with there name on, i spent the afternoon trying to spot the silliest name... 'Adonis' was top of the list ..poor kid
my names not unusual, karen, but i have named my children Hudson and Faith Rose what aint so common, i once knew a girl nr me who used d-poll to chance hers to strawberry fields :/