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Last Words On Death Row

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nailedit | 15:13 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

A bit morbid maybe but just been watching a vid about the last words of prisoners about to be executed.

Some sad, some poignant, some unregretful.


But some humorous as well.

One asked where his stunt double was when you need him....



What would your last words be when faced with the chair/hanging/gas chamber etc?



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Aside from my bladder and bowels emptying themselves, I'd probably ask if there is any chance of a large vodka!

"I suppose this is cheaper than going to Switzerland..."


I would tell the wife not to remarry. 

Not that I would be jealous!. 

It's just that I wouldn't want anybody else to suffer like I have. 😉

Can you hang me by the waist i've got a boil on my neck.

I'd say "Hang on, you still do this? In a modern, developed country in the 21st century? Ok, I'll have a bottle of vodka and some oysters for the journey, thanks. Can I put a nice dress on?"

One said : "lets do it!" - h.e had selected firing squad as some peope in the land of the free can choose their mode of execution.

Another - hanged for treason - outstretched his hand and said Mr Pierrepoint I have..... ( been waiting to meet you) BUT the outstretched hand was taken as a signal to pinion the man and he was hustled away top speed

Pierrepoint got it down to 30s I think

If it was the electric chair,i would ask the guy who flicked the switch if he could hold my hand cos i was scared.

Peter, i recall reading his autobiography many moons ago and it said he would enter the condemned mans cell on the first stroke of eight and by the last strike the prisoner would be dead 

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Now come on nailedit you got to find more cheerful items to read!  

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Last Words On Death Row

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