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wife swap

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Trinny | 00:24 Tue 01st May 2007 | TV
4 Answers
Did anyone see the ending of wife swap last night. Next week its going to be a pole dancing teacher. Who was on Come Dine with me a few months back. Did you recognise her too?


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I thought she looked familiar! It was really start to bug me as to where I'd seen her before!
If I remember properly I don't think she was that popular!!
And I thought it was just Endemol who recycled participants between shows. Now RDF are doing it as well!
I'm glad you said that, I couldn't work out how I'd already seen her. Was it just me who got the impression at the time that she was single? I'll be interested to see how long she's been married
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I remember she was'nt that popular either. Very full of herself too obviously!

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