I couldnt sleep one night... just happened to be the night that Seany chucked Charley in the pool. I was watching it live and Charley was completely HAMMERED.
Once she got out of the pool and ranted about her boots she chased Seany around the house and they had a MASSIVE banana/cream/water fight which went on for about an hour. To say it was hilairious is an understatement.
I was laughing out loud for the first time since watching the programme this year - why the flip wouldnt they show it?!
Charley was soooo funny. She had banana smothered across her face, her towel was falling off her and she was just a mess...why didnt they show it?!??!?!?!!
Clever editing, C4 producers are obviously aware Charley is not the most popular person so they show her at her worst just to keep the public interested, a bit like Jade Goody when she was on first time around, she was going to be slated bigtime when she left but they edited it to make her look good and she came out smelling of roses and went on to make millions...the rest as they say is history
yeah exactly. Bang out of order. But even for the sake of more entertaining TV i just dont get why they didnt show it?!?!?!
It was sooo funny. And when i say she was covered in this (what looked like something like) sun tan lotion i swear she was COVERED!! The rest of the house were telling her to go in the shower but she kept running around the house like a mad woman.