yer when she gave up that task she should have stayed. From what I can work out Mo, kat and darnell were going to hell anyway then maysoon, sarah, rachel and rex joined them
I have a changed opinion of Darnell after last night... what an aggressive man!! They way he shouted at Rachel!!
I actually would love Rachel to win now, she has put up with a lot of $hit and everyone that has left the house say sthey dont like her and she's playing a game - WHY?! because she's NICE!!! I mean god forbid anyone actually be genuine and have a nice personality!!
rachel is so boring, yes she has put up with alot but from seeing her pics on outside I think she is so fake, she may be nice but she also says she doesnt drink which is a lie from pics taken outside the house.
Oh I missed all this! Blast. Shame BB didn't just say that was the end of the Task and put nobody else in heaven. That would have really wound the old hellers up! So Mikey was left out in the cold again then!!! Blinder!
It's about time you see what what an ar$e Darnell is, from the beginning I said this, he talks AT people and not with them. Maybe eventually you see I'm right about Rex too. And Sara, seriously strange, yuk..
And so Bex didn't make the effort with the task. You people are crazy, it's television, entertainment!! and I for one found her lame attempt a commedy classic.. if you didn't laugh at this then you must be miserable as sin.