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BB - Who's going tonight?

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nku | 10:30 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
So, who does everyone think is leaving tonight? I'd love to see Rex & Mo go.


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odds are its mo and kat
because its voting people wou want to win.
its got to be rex and kat. or rachel and kat. PLeeeeease!
you're braving posting this here, I know its tv but us BB fans tend to hide away in the reality show section otherwise we get told to get a life
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4getmenot - after reading some of the posts on here I reckon those if us who watch reality tv r def not the ones who want to get a life!

tbh I'd be happy for Mo, Rex or Kat to go.

Although I'd find Mikey annoying if I had to live with him I admire him for sticking up for others & speaking his mind.

I like Sara, although scatty at times & leading Darnell on (not sure if she knows what she's doing or not).

Rachel annoys with her singing, but would be a good friend.

Darnell I don't know about.
i just think mo will go tonight because no one will vote for him. shame though apart from being lazy and disgusting he's not a bad man
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yeah i think your right with mo going, i'd like to see rex gone but i thinks he's going to be there right to the bitter end! i reckon it might be rachel
If it was to vote for who you want out then probably rex and kat but its who you want to stay in, so the ones that people rarely talk about are going to be gone possibly mo and Rachel
xactly what i was thinking still wait and see eh i might be pleasantly surpised and find rex and mikey/kat/darnell/sara out instead
Mcfluff so you want mo to win?Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo...........
Is there an eviction tonight then?? How come?
its a suprise eviction. They do it every year have a clear out through the week and think the housemates will be suprised
the only person i want to win is rachel and that not cos i want her to win its because it will really p**s Rex off, apart from that there is no-one in there who i want to win becasue of themselves
Oh! I've only just realised that Friday is the final!

Crap, I'll be missing it on account of going out to get p!ssed for my birthday!!!! lol
Dunno why, I have a feeling the final will be between Rachel and Mikey. And Mikey will win. Mmh....
Mikey to win... personally I can't see it ;o)
Mo and rachel I hope , He 's wierd and she is so annoying , Rex to Win xxx

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