I watched bits on Fri and Sat night but sat down to watch Sunday's show and glad I did as I am still chuckling from Paul Ross's comment about Yvette and her swearing (by jove does she swear like a trooper or what! lol).
He said
"You can take the girl out of the street, but can't take the street out of the girl" I think it was one of those had to be watching moments as it doesn't sound that funny now I see it typed lol
I don't enjoy the live shows like I used to as they are so predictable and I really just don't trust karl and Stuart but I think Yvette is so funny when she is scared and you can tell she is genuinely scared.
I watched most of the 3 nights hoping to hear or see something and was bewildered as to why (even with my volume turned right up) I couldn't hear ANY of the "loud bangs or noises" that Yvette was c r a p p ing herself about!
The only "bit" that intrigued/stumped me was the warm bullets that were found, but can't remember what night that was.