Strictly between me and you in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Strictly between me and you

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chirpychirpy | 21:43 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Anyone else sense serious discomfort over Rachel Stevens' engagement? The fiancee's claims to be fine about Rachel's relationship with Vincent seem unconvincing to me. He always looks lonely and nervous and she does little to reassure him, such as tonight when she was asked about it by Tess - her dismissive response and bad body language were not a good sign. I don't reckon that wedding will happen - there's far more chance of her ending up with Vincent, though I wish he wouldn't paw all over her constantly when they're not dancing. And now that we've tired of the resemblance between John Sergeant and Jo Brand, how about Tom Chambers and the pregnant man in America? Uncanny, huh?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Exactly the same thought came into my head tonight, although I haven't noticed it before. She definitely did not want to talk about the wedding dance and the glances between her and Vincent even when they were not dancing, were quite noticeable. Is Vincent "attached" to anyone?
I can't see Vincent and Rachel hitching up, I reckon that they really are just "very good friends". Being in such close proximity must bond them but I don't imagine there will have been any exchange of bodily fluids.

As for her boyfriend tho'. Nah, no way will that wedding happen. Rachel's grown up a lot in the past few weeks and he so-called fiancee is too much of a wet rag for her now. Good luck to the girl, ditch the moody sod and get someone new.

As for Vincent, he's Italian, for heaven's sake, they're like that. He grew up in a culture where flirting and such is a part of daily life, it doesn't mean that he's actually doing anything.
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My guess is Rachel wants to dump the fiancee but knows better than to do so before the Strictly final in case it loses her votes. If even if the dumping didn't prove damaging, what he might say about her (and Vincent) in the tabloids may well be.
Have you noticed also that she doesn`t wear her engagement ring very often? Makes you wonder what`s going on behind closed doors, dunnit?
Vincent lives with Flavia in Surrey.

Its his job to show that the dancing partnership has a 'connection' or bond. Flavia did the same thing with Matt Di Angelo last year.

I wouldn't read too much into it, it is more than likely just for the show.
But Flavia did leave Vincent for Matt in the last series and is reportedly still with Matt although they had a brief separation.Vincent and Flavia arer just dancing partners now.
I noticed it too, especially when the comment was made by Arlene about it legs could talk!

I also thought Camilla looked very world weary last night as well.

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