Did anyone watch that bizarre documentary, featuring 3 crazy American couples, who keep these ugly Capuchin Monkies as babies? The one in the pink dress with the lipstick (Jessie) was particulalry hideous. Think she was a teenager.
I thought it was so sad how these baby Monkies were taken from their obviously distraught mothers, to be sold to mad American wannabee parents for $4000 and I thought the conditions the breeder kept them in was dire.
I watched it aswell - It was sad when the baby monkeys were taken from their mothers so early.
jessie the monkey's owner/mother was well weird - taking her to buy baby dresses - I don't know how the shopowner kept a straight face - and then putting make up on her.
I saw bits of this. I love animals and was really sad to see poor little monkies treated like that. They should be in the forest with their mothers. I was disgusted by the part where the crazy woman was driving her car with a phone in one hand and a monkey in the other. She is a danger to other road users. She was phoning a monkey psychic (Or something silly like that) to ask if her monkey daughter had swallowed some pills. I think I'll become a monkey psychic it sounds like easy money.