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BB Live vote

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4getmenot | 10:54 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | Reality TV
5 Answers
BB Bosses are thinking of doing a live vote Wednesday where the housemates will have to vote infront of eachother to boost ratings. They cant do that!!! They'll all vote f**kwit out :-( I love him!!


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That would be a shame, what they should do is hold the nominations as usual, then later on, play it back to everyone, so they get to see them but the public still hold the vote. I hope they don't do that.
With a bit of luck they'll get rid of Sree.

although I must admit, though eternally annoying, he does provide quite a lot of entertainment for us back home!!!
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exactly they need to get rid of marcus
that carly is a waste of space. Or boot sophie out - see what kris does!
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I quite like Carly she says it like it is. And I'm strangely fascinated by her accent

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