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Favorite Reality TV show?

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Lynsy1 | 11:44 Fri 31st Jul 2009 | Reality TV
29 Answers
What's your favorite Reality TV show???



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Mine is Come Dine With Me!!!!
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Yes, come dine with me is really good, i do agree!!!!

I would rather gouge out my eyes with hot spoons than watch any reality TV programme :)
Reality TV shows are anathema!
yer come dine with me. Or I'm a celebrity get me out of here
ah no actually wife swap. Love it!!
Lynsy,are you American? I ask because you used the US spelling of favourite.
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I only started watching Im a Celebrity last year.

And yes Daffy654 - i have got some american family. My Dad and my Aunty and my Cousin and that is it!

Pity there is not a relaity show called 'Lets all take the p!ss - get me in there' - I could think of quite a few takers here on AB.............................................
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Reality ^ before someone tells me its wrong........
Come dine with Me is my favourite, so funny. I know that I will get jumped on here and I probably derserve it for bringing this one up, but did anyone watch Hot Tub Ranking? I think it was on Channel 4 and was sexist tosh but essential after pub viewing! For those that did not see it, it was a game show that had people ranking themselves in order of their own attractiveness and a secret panel of the opposite sex would judge them on what they judged to be their attractiveness. The most overconfident ones would of course rank themselves no1 and they even had arguments over who derseved that place. Then they were shot down in flames when the judging panel put them last or close to last!

If your comment was aimed at me DEN53 I wasn't taking the p1ss,I asked a genuine question of Lynsy.It was not a criticism of her spelling,I just wondered if she is from the US.
My comment was'nt aimed at anyone in particular daffy - just a generalisation of the tone of AB.

Why did you think I was referring to you ? (:o)
I like the jungle one, all that creepy crawlie eating
"My comment was'nt aimed at anyone in particular daffy - just a generalisation of the tone of AB.

Why did you think I was referring to you ? (:o)

Because I had just asked lynsy about her spelling of favourite and it may have been seen as taking the p1ss by some.
I do like to take the p1ss sometimes...I am definitely not innocent of that in some cases!...just not this time :)
All reality shows are scripted & are therefore not real reality!

Come Dine With Me.

it was BRILLiant!
I wish they would bring it back. Or even show it again as I've forgotten who the mole was anyway!
celebrity wife swap
used to enjoy the farm but it is no more

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