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Highlights of "The uncover princes/princess's is on now

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bigfoot3000 | 00:02 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | Reality TV
11 Answers
Bbc three, looks good.


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The famous microwave
Question Author
Lol, I just saw that, it was raw and Africa poured the blood in a cup and says it's soup! lol.
I think that was fat. There would no blood after 10 minutes....yuk.
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I honestly didn't think you could cook meat in the microwave till I googled it!
Awww they are in love. How sweet.
Question Author
I just knew the woman was going to say "Im falling in love with you" and the guys response would be "Ok" lol.
How can you fall in love that quickly?
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Lol, she gothim to lie he's a prince? Can anyone say doomed?
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Great program and a happy ending from what I can see from one couple.
It won't

How pointless though...come to England to find love but you can't stay with them because they are peasants...
Question Author
Yeah I think that while they were they were maybe engulfed in somewhat of a dream, a fantasy world where they would just gallop in, meet miss/mr right and go back home and live happily ever after but tas usual the reality check hit them hard once they got home, its always the way!

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