screensavers on TV's in The AnswerBank: Technology
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screensavers on TV's

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tommo | 23:24 Wed 30th Mar 2005 | Technology
2 Answers
I have recently bought a new 42 inch plasma tv from Curry's. As I was browsing the shop trying to decide, I could not help but notice that most of the tv's in the shop had screensaver's of fish swimming around which made the tv's more appealing with there colurs. Anyway I decided to talk my wife into having one, but I would like to know if it is possible to have this screensaver. My nwe tv has a pc scart in the back of the tuner, but my pc is upstairs, whilst my tv downstairs. I have bought a separate surround sound system with my tv which has a built in DVD. Is it possible to save a screensaver to disc so that I could put it in the DVD player as a screensaver when the tv is switched off ?
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The screensaver in the store was probably on DVD. I know for sure that on the "Finding Nemo" DVD (might be the collectors edition, I'd have to check) there's a few different aquarium screensavers which just loop & run indefinitely.
As for doing your own, I recall reading a way to do it, but don't remember how it was done! I think you need a DVD authoring program (it's mainly used for the dvd menus). I'll have a hunt around later, but I might have thrown it out.
I would like to state obvious that Plasma and LCD TV's have a lifespan of 5-6 Years with LITTLE use. Using this TV daily (Like I do) brings the lifespan down to around 4 years, but leaving a �1,500 Plasma TV running, for the sake of some Fish, isn't really worth cutting 2 years off my viewing time, and a huge dent in the �1.5K I just spent! Just a little thought for you to ponder over.... :-)

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screensavers on TV's

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