Ap agree totally, unwarranted, stupid, mindless thuggery, but i am positive we are going to see more of this, not just from EDL but from the people they are supposedly opposing. Whether you agree with this statement or not, if you have mass immigration, as has occured in Britain, groups like EDL will spring up.
From a country of relatively few immigrants, some of course will point out we are all immigrants, but say specifically from asia, africa, from 1940's to now, the country has changed out of all recognition, and these white extremist groups will continue
to flourish, because no one has addressed the issue of immigration, governments have ignored it, or in Blairs time positively encouraged it, and now we are left with what exactly, a country full to the brim. EU now hold the cards, and we are a mess, so until someone has the balls to really sort out immigration then EDL and other extremist groups will continue to battle it out.