...this evening with the TV schedule.Does Mrs Jan and me watch again the very excellent 'Sherlock'(BBC1 8.30) and record another of our favourites the equally excellent 'Lewis' (ITV1 8.00) or vice -virsa.Then at 9.00 there is 'Botham:the legend of '81'(BBC2 9.00) smack bang in the middle,(but that ones just for me!!).TV is like busses,you go months without anything worth watching then along comes three programmes all at the same time. grrrr.
btw my broadband speed isn't fast enough to enjoy the iplayer,pity lol.
wondered about the Sherlock thingie - don't usually take much notice of the critics but it was recommended in one paper I looked at today - and now you're saying it is excellent - ummm... may definitely give it a go
They are both repeats....if they are that good didn't you watch them before? Personally, I would go with Lewis as the Oxford background is always worth a look.
Thanks JN for the Botham info.Quite so Maidup, if everyone was like me for instance, reality television wouldn't exist.Carmalee,if you like a cracking good story brought up to date and some truly first rate acting from the two main characters you will enjoy Sherlock
What you need janzman is a TV with Freeview and a twin tuner PVR, preferably both TV & PVR with HD, then you can record two different channels on the PVR and watch a third on your TV all at the same time, if you really have a need to.
Or get faster broadband - I really enjoy watching programmes on BBC Iplayer, and so many of the channels can be watched "on demand". And with some of them you can watch the programmes up to 28 days later.