i used to love shooting stars years ago! was funny lol.
oh, just like alan partridge too - do you like him? lol.. he still makes me laugh/cringe! lol
ah cheers quassia, thats lovely of you, thank you very much :o) x
(she discovered she had a breast lump in june after a routine mammogram,
scans and biopsies found it was cancer... we were devastated! :o(
she had the op in july, on her birthday of all days!
and a week later we went back for the results, on pins we were, and was told theyd removed it all ok, and that it hadnt spread!
ohh what a relief to hear that, youd not believe!!!!!!
shes doing fine now, thank goodness, and come next thursday she starts her 3 week course of radiotherapy every day.
im sure it will all go fine for her, and all will be ok.
shes got my dad and the rest of us to give her support, and rally round and do and help out where we can :o)
we are a very close knit family, and i think the world of me mum, so as you can imagine the last 3 months has been a very worrying and anxious time for us all x)