mmm not sure if links are working, but it would have been Pete's birthday today anyway. I got the DVD box set for my birthday 2 years ago, they're still good to watch.
Alias Smith and Jones was one of my favourites - and definitely the early Pete Duel ones, as Ben Murphy never seemed to have the same chemistry with Roger whatever-his-name-was who replaced Pete. Brilliant show.
A difficult call imo, some of the shows I used to really like seem total rubbish when watching the repeats these days, The Professionals and Star Trek spring to mind.
I also loved The Girl from Uncle with Stephanie Powers as April Dancer (I think that was her name) and the lovely Noel Harrison (Windmills of of your mind - great song but rubbish version by Sting) as Mark (possibly) Springer. Great fun!!!
I'm digressing from the original question but while I'm on a nostalgia kick, my friend Kaz and I (both 12ish) became through our magazine (can't think of the name) UNCLE agents. We had a special card each to prove we were agents. Our cups runneth over! Aaah bliss.