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It drove me bonkers!

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Tilly2 | 08:20 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
As it's the summer holiday for me and I don't have to return to work until September, I offered to become a volunteer at the local charity shop.

I went for my first three hour stint yesterday and really did not enjoy it. It was such a tip, as you would expect with bags of everything everywhere. The people working in the shop were really nice and didn't seem to mind the disorganisation and the mess.

I am a very organised and tidy person and wanted to sort out the filing cabinets, the books, the knitting needles etc but one of them said,'Oh, you're not one of those are you, likes everything in order. None of that here.'

It drove me bonkers being among all that mess. Should have realised what it would be like.

I came home feeling very uncharitable and thinking, 'I'm not going again.' but I will, probably.

Should I stick it out, or look for something else to do with my time?


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'' Oh your not one of those are you '' LOL
Gently suggest that if they were more organised they might increase the revenue for the charity?
No point giving up your spare time doing something that will drive you bonkers.
Start slowly tidying a little bit at a time and hopefully they might not notice. Next time you go there maybe different staff. Our charity shop has different people nearly every day. Good luck.
Serious answer Tilly, If you feel like that why bother.
There's obviously a them and you situation thing going on here- if the majority don't want you to do something, you'll only annoy 'em which will create an atmosphere.

two solutions, both simple, either put up with it and keep quiet about the perceived chaos, or do something else with your free time :-)
would you like to come and re organise Chez Sa pls ?we dont live in complete chaos but need a bit of de cluttering.
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Oi, Tony, get in line!

Another thing that got to me was, I had to watch a Health and Safety clip before I started, all about putting the cover on the tagging machine, not using the steamer wearing open toed shoes, not putting your hands into bags etc. but no one was taking any heed of those things.

I will take your advice and start slowly and see how it goes. My next shift is Tuesday afternoon. I'll ask if they would like me to put the knitting needles into pairs! They might punish me for being hoity toity and get me to count the pieces in the jigsaw puzzles.
they can stuff the jigsaw puzzles. If they can offer knitting needles in pairs, I'd suggest a different use for them.

If you're not happy at the end on Tuesday, find something else. Let us know please.
can? duh can't
They've been doing this a long time and you are by default coming into their workplace which they doubtless have as they wish it to be. I think you might be better suited finding something else as I have a feeling you'll end up getting annoyed and they will end up resentlful of the 'new broom'.
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I'll see how Tuesday goes. Don't want to upset the applecart..............Ha!
You could take on a less stressful job. Like reorganising the Government.
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If only I could, parkdale.
Where should I start?
Sack the lot of them, Tilly.
lol, i have a job for you, my desk needs organising
Why not try another charity shop? surely some of them are organised.
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I'm good at doing desks. Where's the paper bin?
Tilly, have a go at my bench at work, if I put anything down on it, it just disappears ?
I did the same forty years ago Tilly. Dirt and mess drove me nuts. Slowly...slowly re-organised things. The charity, a major one, then offered me a poorly paid job looking after six of their shops in the county. Oh! The power!
I had a blitz and then resigned. Still drove me nuts.
Joined an action group for a different charity instead.
The kids at school called me Mrs Doitnow! Slowly..slowly was not for me.

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It drove me bonkers!

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